"But as it is written, To whom he was not spoken of, they shall see: and they that have not heard shall understand." Romans 15:21

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Navidad en Guatemala

On my way to Ohio, I stopped to see Jay (Jota) in North Carolina. I had a wonderful time visiting with his family and church. While we were getting caught up on life, we made Christmas cards for our friends in Santa Rita!

We found a misspelling, and since I am a tad bit OCD, I couldn't leave the mistake. Ms. Denise found some white-out, and they were as good as new!

The postcards are for the children who attend Biblestudy. We put each one into a bag with crayons and a mini candy cane! I really hope they enjoy their goodies! The stack of cards are for all the adults and teens who have been attending the Biblestudy as well! We miss our friends immensely!

We couldn't resist making homemade cards for our favorite twins who live in the Petén! Merry Christmas Jonah and Silas!

At Christmas we often think of the star that shone brightly above Bethlehem, the dark night Baby Jesus was born. I can't help but think of these ex-guerrillas, who amidst the darkness of sin are searching for a light!

This week my friends in the Petén are having a Christmas outreach to share the Light, Jesus, in Santa Rita! Many of the people who have been attending Biblestudy are making a stand and identifying themselves with Christ! This is a big step for them all! Please pray for them!
Busca la Luz!!!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Home Alone

As many of you already know, my parents recently up and left me and my brother all by ourselves. Well, I am exaggerating a bit...a month ago, my parents decided God was leading them to move to Columbus, Ohio. My brother, James, and I are full time college students here in Jacksonville, so we opted to stay. Here are just a few things that have happened since they've been gone!!

3 days after the big move....

The toliet decided to act out and leak everywhere.


Turn the water off at the wall and make beautiful, fun signs telling everyone to use the other bathroom!

1 week after the parents left....

The timing belt on James' car snapped.


Recruit Jen, his girlfriend, to help him fix it!

10 days since they've been gone....

The cats decided to raid the neighbor's koi pond and bring me a surprise! Or maybe they were trying to tell us something...


Throw it in the yard, and then cut down the neighbor's mutant zucchini that is hanging over the fence!

3 weeks into this adventure...

The dogs are moping around, super depressed, because nobody is ever home anymore...


We took the dogs to Jen's house and let them explore the outdoors to their heart's content!

This is just the beginning....more to come later!