Wow...time flies when you are in your senior year or college, teaching high school students, working at a coffee shop, and preparing for the mission field. I am sorry I have not posted a blog in a very long time. Below are a few highlights you might have missed out on!
God provided an awesome opportunity for me to work on a research project this spring. I was testing the effectiveness of teaching deaf children phonology. This experience taught me a lot about the importance of language development in children with a hearing loss. I knew walking into this project I was going to have to devote time and energy if I wanted to be successful. It ended up being more time and energy than I really bargained for. After many sleepless nights, frustrating discoveries, and draft after draft, my hard work paid off.
I received a superlative scholarship award for my research and won grant funding to support our efforts. The best part of all was the relationships I formed with my professors, which will hopefully be lifelong.
During all this my Peten family came to town! There were in the States for a two month furlough. We always have such a wonderful time together! There were several shopping sprees, nights full of card games and slushies, chinese dinners, trips to the beach, and of course a Krispy Kreme stop!
Kiki and I got to watch the boys one night, while Jim and Shelley went out a date! We had an epic dinner fail; never knew you could go wrong with McDonald's happy meals. My favorite moments was the nightly devotions we had. Shelley had made the boys Psalm 23 books and we would read this comforting scripture, sing a hymn, and pray together before the boys would go to sleep. I love that they are instilling God's truth and love into their little boys at such a young age.
Road Trip!!! As soon as classes let out for the summer, I hit the road and drove the 15 hours to Columbus, Ohio. After spending a few days with my family, my siblings and I loaded up the van and drove to Pennsylvania, where we met up with my Uncle and cousins for Creation! We had an amazing time camping outside and enjoying the beauty God created. We enjoyed worshiping with Chris Tomlin, Third Day, Lucrae, News Boys, and many others. Just imagine singing "How Great is Our God" with 50,000 other believers! Let's just say I was totally overwhelmed at God's presence on that grassy hillside.
After spending the 4th of July weekend with my family and friends in Ohio, I made the crazy drive back to Florida, just to fly out the next day to Honduras. I can't even begin to tell you all that God did on that trip, so I will just have to save it for another blog!
Soon after I had to say goodbye to one of my best friends! God opened the door for her to finish her degree at Liberty. Ever since she got back from Word of Life Argentina we had seldom be apart. We would spend weekends doing homework together and watching Gilmore Girls. I am so thankful for her friendship!!
August was a big transition time for me. I left my job of three years as an interpreter for Duval County Public Schools, and I started a new job! Yep, I am teaching highschool students! Teaching ASL is so much fun! It is a lot of work and everyday brings a new challenge! I look forward to sharing one of my passions and hope to encourage the same love for the deaf in the hearts of my students.
My parents decided to allow my younger brother to attend TCA for his senior year. This means he was moving back to FL to live with James and me. It has been exciting having Jared here! He has a heavy course load as an early admissions student, which means he is taking four college classes in addition to his four highschool classes. He is also running with the cross country team, playing soccer, participating in drama, and actively involved with the youth group. To top it all off Jared was awarded the Senior superlative award at Trinity; he was voted Mr. TCA!

In October, my dear friends and I impulsively decided to go and visit Briana at Liberty! It worked out where we all had a long weekend, so at midnight Wednesday we started our trek north. Bri met us for breakfast, and we got busy catching up right away!

One day we went to an apple orchard and pumpkin patch! I got to actually dig up my own pumpkins! It was amazing!

Two years ago God brought a very special girl in to our lives, Jen! Yep, James had found a girl! Well, November 18 James asked her to be his for forever! We are thankful she said yes! I am going to have a new sister!

So that is just a glimpse into a few things that have taken place this last year! More to come!

So that is just a glimpse into a few things that have taken place this last year! More to come!