The story of one little boy who lived a silent life up until someone made an eternal impact on his life!
One Boy’s Story
By Arlene Reimer
(Most of the details did actually happen)
I was playing in the river when I saw two men come to my house. They weren’t from our village; they had white skin and were very tall. I was curious about them so I ran up the hill to see them. One man was talking to my grandfather. Then my grandfather turned to me and motioned for me to come. I didn’t understand why but I was curious about them so I came. The tall man smiled at me, he moved his mouth like he was talking. Of course I couldn’t hear him.
Just then my kitten came over to me. I took it and showed it to one of the men. He smiled and then motioned with his hands and then pointed to the kitten. I couldn’t understand what he meant but he did it again. Then he pointed to the cat’s whiskers and then made the same motion with his hand. Then I got it! It was like the cat’s whiskers. I copied him and pulled the cats whiskers. Kitty didn’t like it and scratched my hand.
The two men talked some more with my grandfather. Then they tried to show me something with their hands but I didn’t really get it. Kitty was playing with a piece of string and needed someone to play with her. I dangled the string in Kitty’s face while the men shook hands with my grandfather, waved at me and left. Then grandfather said something to me. I didn’t look at him, I just played with Kitty. I couldn’t understand what he was telling me anyway.
About a week later I was racing with my cousin when I saw a truck come bouncing up the road to our house. Curious, my cousin and I both went to see who it was. One of the men was the same one who had been here before. He pointed at me and said something to the others in the truck. The others smiled at me and waved. I stared at them. Kitty came and sat on my feet.
Then Grandma motioned for me to come so I picked up Kitty and trotted off to the house. My sister was getting some pants and shirts off the line. She stuffed them into a backpack. Then she motioned for me to change my clothes. I didn’t know why. I let her help me change. Then they gave my backpack to the man. He told me to come. I looked at my grandma; she motioned for me to go. I was puzzled but if Grandma said I could, I would go.
The man helped me into the truck and we drove for a very long time. I fell asleep.
When it was dark we finally stopped. A man came to me and took my hand and motioned for me to follow him. We got some food.
We went to a house. Inside were lots of beds. The man led me to the bathroom. He motioned for me to get into the shower. But I wouldn’t! Again he told me to get in there. But I wouldn’t. Finally he lifted me up and put me in there. I didn’t enjoy it but at least I got clean.
Just before going to bed, the man showed me a book with a lot of pictures. He kept pointing to a man and signing something. Later I learned that was Jesus.
That week I saw lots of things I had never seen before. My teacher had pictures about Jesus. We colored pictures. We played games. I even learned to ride a bike. Some of the things the people kept motioning actually made sense. I learned what “no” meant. I understood when they said “eat” that we went to the big tent and waited in line till it was our turn to get food.
On our way back we had to cross the river by boat. A man motioned for all of us to follow him. I looked around for my bag but I couldn’t see it anywhere. The man told me to follow him again, but I wouldn’t because I couldn’t find my bag. Finally he picked me up and carried me to the boat. This made me mad. I needed my bag! On the boat I found my bag. I grabbed it, but was still upset.
On the other side we got on a bus. We drove for a very long time. It got dark and I fell asleep.
When I awoke one of the men was carrying me to my house. I was glad to find kitty again and showed her to the men. He patted kitty, waved at me and left.
Some time later some men came and picked me up again. We went to CDI. Everything was strange and new. But I learned a lot of things. I went to school. I had to sit quietly. If somebody told me to do something I had to obey. Sometimes I felt like nobody could understand me and that frustrated and upset me. But I learned to sign and I was able to tell my dorm father and my teacher some things. I really like to play with my friends here at the school. We have lots of fun together. Sometimes we have to work and I like that too. I like to live here at CDI because we all speak sign language and also because I can go to school and learn many new things.
There are countless more children just like Arlen living throughout the jungles of the Peten. They need to know about the Savior's love for them too! Please continue to pray with me, for wisdom and guidance, as God leads me to share the gospel in this silent world!
Love it! Very powerful. I want to know more of the story!