Buenas!! Last night we slept….fitfully….but we indeed slept! We are two hours behind yall, and the sun comes up extremely early over here! I kinda forgot about that and was awakened at 5:30 a.m. Brittany and I have committed to pray together every morning before we start our day! We desire so much to see God work in a powerful way through us and in us!
After breakfast, Jimmy picked us up, and we ran a couple of errands! We went to this one store, where the owners are both Christians. Jimmy asked the gentleman if he knew of any deaf children in the area. He told Jimmy that there were two siblings in a nearby town that were both deaf. They had been sent to Guatemala City to learn sign-language, but now they are back! We are going to go and try to find them this week! Pray for us, because there are rumors that Americans come to Guatemala to kidnap children for their organs and other body parts. So four Americans going around asking about two specific children, is not necessarily the safest thing! Jim and Shelley have heard of people getting lynched and attacked because of these rumors. Pray that God will lead us to these children, but at the same time protect us from any danger!
We went to Jim and Shelley’s house, which by the way is absolutely amazing, to work on all kinds of preparations for our outreaches! The crafts for New Horizon and Santa Rita’s Bible Studies are all ready to go! We also organized an ice cream party that is a reward for all those children that have read their Bible and done the devotion sheets that are passed out in the Bible Studies. They all have a number of points and they can use their points to buy toppings for their ice-cream. We will also be playing tons of games that day as well as watching a veggie tale movie in Espanol. After Lunch, we started planning our girl’s day!! Our theme is “Daughters of God!!” How awesome it that?!?!?! Purity is pretty much non-existent here, it is something that is not taught in the culture or even expected. But as Christians, we are commanded to keep our bodies pure. We want these girls to know how much they are loved by God! Many of them, as young as 11, have already given their virginity away, but they need to know that God loves them anyways, and that they don’t have to live their lives that way. Please pray that God will use all of the object lessons and activities we have planned to open their hearts to Him.
We ended our night with a great dinner….Chicken Quesadilla’s that had a little kick to them…no worries, my eyes only watered and I actually did enjoy them. We also watched a cute chick-flik with Shelley, while Jimmy was at an authentic Guatemalan wedding! This is totally cool, because the drug lords that run and pretty much own everything, including our hotel, in the Petén were invited. So technically Jimmy is in the “In-Crowd” now!
Keep us in your prayers, as tomorrow we go to New Horizons! This is a village that is in total bondage to Satan. Jim and Shelley have been working in this village for two years, but because of many rumors and lies that have been spread, people are very hesitant about coming. We are praying that God will keep Jim and Shelley encouraged, and that He will continue to work in this village!
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