"But as it is written, To whom he was not spoken of, they shall see: and they that have not heard shall understand." Romans 15:21

Friday, June 25, 2010

Even in the Darkest Night!

So...this morning at 4:15, I woke up to take JJ to the airport! He is currently enroute to see Jen in Rochester! After dropping him off, I decided to take the back roads home, and I couldn't believe how dark it was! There was absolutely no lights anywhere,well except for my headlights. It was so marvelously still and quiet....I could see glimpses of this mysterious light peeking through the trees, and then all of the sudden, out of the darkness this humongous moon pops out, and literally takes my breath away!

I started thinking about life and our relationship with God...many times our worlds become so dark, and it can feel overwhelming and scary. We might feel like we are all alone and wonder where God is and why He isn't with us. There might be a glimpse of His light through all of the problems, stress, worries, tears, and heartache. He might send us a bit of grace and mercy through an encouraging friend, His word, or just through creation, but we still long and desire for more, we long to see all of Him. Then out of nowhere, He breaks through our night and reminds us who He is! He is greater, He is stronger, He is higher than any of our situations. He is our healer, He is our provider, so totally awesome in all of His power! We become swept away by his love and mercy. Even in the darkest night, He is there, and the more we seek Him, the more we will find Him! The Beautiful One wants to make us like Him, and personally I think that happens best in the middle of the darkness!


Thank you God for that reminder this morning!

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