Today is the day!! I leave for Guatemala this afternoon! I look back over the last six months and am amazed at how God provided abundantly for this trip! Many of you know, there has been bumps along the way, but God always wins in the end! He has met every financial need, every physical need, every transportation need! Our God is definitely greater, stronger, and higher than anything else!
I leave this afternoon for Daytona Beach, and then I will meet up with Rachel from Crossroads. From there we will make the long gruelsome trip to Miami. Then we fly out of Miami at 5 a.m. tomorrow! We will not land in Guatemala till 7:30 p.m. Please pray with us for safety, clear understanding despite the language barrier, and for opportunities to share God and His love!
This next month will be full of many adventures! I will also get to see many old friends who have since last summer have accepted Christ! It will be a wonderful experience to hug my now brothers and sisters in Christ! We will be making trips to the Deaf School in Belize and to several Kekchi villages that have no churches. There is also several women's and teen girl activities planned, as well as outreaches for the kids! I will try my best to keep yall updated on all that God is doing there in Guatemala and in my heart!
We cherish all your prayers!
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