"But as it is written, To whom he was not spoken of, they shall see: and they that have not heard shall understand." Romans 15:21

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Weekend Getaway

Last weekend, my siblings and I escaped Jacksonville for the weekend! My mom was working in Savannah, so we tagged along and crashed her hotel room! I really am thankful for the opportunity to spend time with my brothers and sisters! Here are a few pictures!

We stopped at a Pumpkin Patch!

Downtown Savannah

We stopped at the Honey store and tried several samples!

Jacob found some Funky Frames

We found an incredible bookstore!

The collection of books was astounding! We spent well over an hour exploring and reading!

There were books dated back to the early 1700s! There was a vast amount of intriguing History about Christianity, Geography, Children's Literature. This is definitely my favorite place in Savannah!

Rachelin made her own ginormous pixie stix at the candy store! I'm going to miss her!

James and Jen chilling!

I've never seen a Fire Boat before!

God Moments

So I have to share some amazing things God did this week! Many of you know the stereotype that college students are always broke...yep, it's true. Well, this past week, after paying all my bills, I was literally down to $10.00. Monday, I noticed my gas gauge getting closer and closer to Empty, but I still drove the 60+ miles to class. Surprisingly I made it home but barely! Once in the house, I started to open my mail and found a check for $19.00. It was a refund on my tax and title from when I bought my car. How random was that...not random, totally God! So the next morning, I was able to fill up my car and make it to work! If I wasn't already amazed at God's goodness and provision, I came home that afternoon to find another check in the mail. This one for $113.00! Apparently, I overpaid my insurance bill.
Another coincidence? I think not, God just wanted to flex His muscles a little more!

I am so glad our God owns cattle on a thousand hills. Which is so cool, when you think about Psalms 37:11 and 22!

Here's a little funny: My siblings seem to be very concerned with my dating life. So when two different guys asked me out this past week, and I turned them down, Jacob (9 years old) decided to state his opinions. "Becca, you really need to take advantage of this. You are 21 years old and have never had a boyfriend. Don't you want kids?" "Thanks, Jacob, where is all this coming from," I laughed. "I have girl senses in my head," he replied! Someone please explain this to me! Needless to say, I'm not worried, especially after all God did this week! He is definitely in control!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Change...Another Step Along the Way

Hello friends! It indeed has been awhile since I have written a blog! With the start of the academic year, I'm afraid, I have gotten caught up in homework, studying, and endless research! Amongst some other major changes in my life, it seems I have neglected keeping you updated on the "Time in Between."

I sincerely miss Guatemala with every part of my being! I think of my friends there multiple times throughout the day! With how amazing Facebook is, I have been able to stay in contact with several of my deaf friends and teachers from the special needs' school! I am being forced to practice my Spanish! Please continue to pray for the new Christians in Santa Rita as they learn more about God and His love. Also, keep Jim and Shelley and their multiple ministries in your prayers!

Recently my parents have made some very influential decisions for our family. Over the last year or so, God has been working in their hearts about several issues. So following His leading, my family is moving to Ohio! Yep, the home of the Buckeyes! After living in Florida for 20+ years, why go to the cold, snow, and ice...Don't ask me! But anyways my Dad left last week to get things situated up there, before my mom and three younger siblings follow in the beginning of November. It has been an emotional trying month. Many roots have been cut, and as some of you know, it can hurt. My family has faced many hard situations, but we have always done it together. Being separated by several hundred miles isn't going to be easy, but "If You Want to Walk on Water, You Have to Step Out of the Boat." I believe this is just another exciting, somewhat scary, full of the unknown, step of the journey!

Stay tuned....